Pinssar DPM allows your operations to protect your workers
Pinssar DPM diesel particulate monitor provides continuous air monitoring of potentially deadly diesel exhaust emissions. Monitor levels of diesel particulate as they increase instead of knowing only after gravimetric sampling has been analyzed by the lab. Pinssar DPM allows your operations to protect your workers before they get exposed through management and controls.
The Pinssar DPR solution was specifically developed to detect particles smaller than 0.8 micron, or 800 nanometres (nm). With patented diesel emission technology and 23 unique innovations recognised globally. It provides DPM data on a continuous, 24/7 basis to work in conjunction with current mitigation strategies. The real time data collected by the Pinssar DPR units can be analysed either via the Pinssar Dashboard or by connecting to your company’s preferred Dashboard and/or SCADA package.